Working in Heat SWMS
What is a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)?
A Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) or also referred to as Work Method Statements, Safe Work Methods, SWM or WMS, is a legal document that sets out the high risk construction work activities to be carried out at a workplace, the hazards arising from these activities and the measures to be put in place to control the risks.
A SWMS is classed as an administrative control and is used to support higher order controls to eliminate or minimise risks to health and safety, for example engineering controls.
A SWMS is generally different from other documents that focus on specific tasks or processes, such as a Job Safety Analysis or a Safe Operating Procedure.
A SWMS is not intended to be a procedure—rather it is a tool to help supervisors and workers confirm and monitor the control measures required at the workplace.
When is a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) Required?
Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) are required for high risk construction work activities, as defined in the WHS Regulations, so it’s important that you get it right!
Outsource Safety Forms include:
Risk Matrix
Hierarchy of controls
PPE requirements
Environmental Considerations
Step by Step Job Activity
Describe the control measures used to control identified risks
Describe how the control measures will be monitored and reviewed
Hazardous and Associated Risks
How Hazards and Risks Be Controlled
Provisions for the name of the principal contractor
Provisions for the name, address and ABN
Provisions for the details of the person responsible for ensuring monitoring and compliance with the SWMS
Provisions for the date the SWMS was prepared and review dates
Provisions for the the signature of each worker